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In memory of all those that died in the
terrorist attacks
on September 11, 2001
Click the picture for a moving tribute to those lost. |
note: this file is approx. 7 MB and will take time to load, depending on your connection. It is well worth your time! |
"We will never forget..."
Once you see this - YOU will NEVER
"...Today we've had a national tragedy. Two airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Center in an apparent terrorist attack on our country...
"...Make no mistake: The United States will hunt down and punish those responsible for these cowardly acts...The resolve of our great nation is being tested...We will show the world that we will pass this test..."
"... We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them...."
"... Today, our nation saw evil, the very worst of human nature. And we responded with the best of America ..."
- President George W. Bush at the White House, Washington D.C. September 11, 2001
"...Terrorists are going to realize they can't face down freedom. Terrorists are going to realize they made a big mistake, they miscalculated America..."
- President George W. Bush at the White House, Washington D.C. September 24, 2001
"...Courage and optimism led the passengers on Flight 93 to rush their murderers to save lives on the ground...Led by a young man whose last known words were the Lord's Prayer and "Let's roll."...He didn't know he had signed on for heroism when he boarded the plane that day. Some of our greatest moments have been acts of courage for which no one could have ever prepared..."
- President George W. Bush at the White House, Washington D.C. November 8, 2001
In memory of the crew of
Space Shuttle Columbia, Mission STS-107
lost February 1, 2003 over Texas, USA.
Click the picture for a beautiful tribute to those lost. |
note: this file is approx. 1 MB and will take time to load, depending on your connection. It is well worth your time! |
Rick D. Husband, Commander
William C. McCool, Pilot
Michael P. Anderson, Payload Commander
David M. Brown, Mission Specialist 1
Kalpana Chawla, Mission Specialist 2
Laurel Blair Salton Clark, Mission Specialist 4
Ilan Ramon, Payload Specialist 1
"A space shuttle contingency has been declared in Mission Control Houston as a result of the loss of communication with the Space Shuttle Columbia at approximately 9 a.m. EST Saturday as it descended toward a landing at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida...
...Communication and tracking of the shuttle was lost at 9 a.m. EST at an altitude of about 203,000 feet in the area above north-central Texas...
...No communication and tracking information were received in mission control after that time...
...The location of any possible debris should immediately reported to local authorities..."
- NASA Mission Control at Johnson Space Center, Houston Texas February 1, 2003
"My fellow Americans. This day has brought terrible news and great sadness to our country...
...The Columbia's lost. There are no survivors...
...These men and women assumed great risk in a service to all humanity...
...These astronauts knew the dangers and they faced them willingly, knowing they had a high and noble purpose in life. Because of their courage and daring and idealism, we will miss them all the more...
...The same creator who names the stars also knows the names of the seven souls we mourn today. The crew of the shuttle Columbia did not return safely to earth, yet we can pray that all are safely home..."
- President George W. Bush at the White House, Washington D.C. February 1, 2003
"Their mission was almost complete and we lost them so close to home. The men and women of the Columbia had journeyed more than 6 million miles and were minutes away from arrival and reunion...
...We remember not only one moment of tragedy, but seven lives of great purpose and achievement...
...They will always have an honored place in the memory of this country, and today, I offer the respect and gratitude of the people of the United States..."
- President George W. Bush at Johnson Space Center, Houston Texas February 4, 2003
Previous United States Space Program Fatalities
Jan. 27, 1967: Astronauts Gus Grissom, Edward H. White and Roger B. Chaffee die when a fire sweeps the Apollo-1 command module during a ground test at Kennedy Space Center. Apollo-1 was originally known as Mission AS-204, which was a launch pad-only test. Mission AS-204 was renamed Apollo-1 in honor of the crew.
Jan. 28, 1986: The Space Shuttle Challenger on Mission STS-51-L explodes 73 seconds after launch, killing all seven astronauts aboard, including Christa McAuliffe, intended to be the first teacher in space. Other astronauts killed were Francis "Dick" Scobee, Michael J. Smith, Ellison S. Onizuka, Judith A. Resnik, Ronald E. McNair and Gregory B. Jarvis.
- President George W. Bush at the White House, Washington D.C. February 1, 2003
Your courage, dedication, enthusiasm and determination will
live on as an example to us all.
We are eternally indebted to you for your sacrifice.
Official Columbia Accident Investigation Board website
please scroll down for the rest of the website
Even 'Gay Spiderman' says:
March 15, 2003
JUST SAY NO TO THE dixie chicks!!!!!!
May 22, 2006
JUST SAY NO TO THE dixie chicks!!!!!!....AGAIN!
This page will discuss the interests, both personally and
professionally, of Chuck Adams
(a.k.a xanaduu)
hint: click on the skull and
crossbones for a picture of xanaduu in disguise
here's a picture of the cute, sweet, cuddly and innocent xanaduu as a baby!
xan's been working out recently! Check out this hard body!
Chuck's personal interests:
My children (Allison and Robert)
Here's a picture of Robert, Allison and me in Cozumel (Mexico) on our cruise vacation in 1999
Here's a picture of Allison and Robert on the cruise ship during our vacation in 1999
Here's another picture of Allison and Robert on a cruise ship during their vacation in 2002
Here's an interesting "morph"
I made of the two cruise ship pictures of Allison and Robert
Look at the difference three years made! (warning - the file size is about 1 MB)
Here's a picture of Allison - she
graduated from Ole
Miss in August 2004.
(The University of Mississippi, Oxford Mississippi)
Graduation Pictures
Allison was the Station Manager of The University of
Mississippi's WUMS
92.1 FM radio station.
Here's a link to an
article that appeared in the University's
Daily Mississippian when she got
the job!
I visited Allison at Ole Miss in October 2003. Here are some pictures from the trip
Until late 2008, Allison was the
Business Manager for the following radio stations in Jackson, Mississippi:
WUSJ 96.3 FM ("US96"),
WYOY 101.7 FM ("Y101"),
WJKK-FM ("Mix 98.7") and WIIN-780 AM.
Allison also did commercials for several of the stations and some on-air work:
was on midnights to 5:30 am 7 nights a week on
and some weekends on
When I visited Allison in
Jackson in January 2008, we made a commercial together
which aired multiple times a day in Jackson.
listen to the spot here!
Allison has done some TV work, both voice-overs and acting.
She did a commercial for Cowboy Maloney's Electric City, which is a
a locally owned electronics superstore in Mississippi.
See her commercial here! (2 MB download)
Allison is available to do voice-over and imaging work.
(rates available upon request)
click here to display her email address
Robert's band's Myspace music page
Robert is quite a musician. He played first chair trumpet in
Arlington Heights High School band. (My old Alma Mater!)
He plays drums in a rock band.
He composes and records
music on computers.
Click here for his music
Robert attended his first
year of college at Angelo State University in San Angelo Texas.
He is now a senior at
the University of North Texas in Denton.
He was initiated into my
Fraternity, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, on November 17,2007.
Robert has his FCC Amateur "HAM" Radio Technician class
His call sign is K5RBA.
Here's a picture of Robert operating
one of the stations
at the Lockheed Radio Club, Field Day 2002
Here's a picture of Allison, Robert and my Chihuahua Yoda from 1998
Here's another picture of Allison, Robert and my Chihuahua Yoda in 2002
My Chihuahua Yoda
My son Robert with a sleeping Yoda
Yoda - stretching on his tip-toes
Yoda - sound asleep!
dancing ears!
Yoda - Super Dog - Able to leap tall frogs in a
single bound!
By popular demand - Yoda's
very own picture page!
I graduated from Arlington
Heights High School (Fort Worth, Texas) in 1973
Additional Arlington Heights High School information
and from Southwestern Oklahoma
State University (Weatherford, Oklahoma) in 1978.
My Toyota Prius!
I travel quite a bit with my job, and I get to
visit some interesting places!
Here is a very cool picture I took of the Colosseum
in Rome.
Life Loyal Member,
Amateur "HAM" radio operator (Amateur
Extra Class - call sign N5UN - previously WB5WRR and K5WRR)
Technical Coordinator for Fort Worth
Chapter, Texas VHF-FM Society.
Designed, built and maintain the K5FTW
146.94 MHz Fort Worth SKYWARN Repeater,
the K5FTW 224.94 MHz Tarrant County Hospital Network Repeater,
the K5FTW 145.11 MHz, 146.76 MHz
and the 444.1 MHz Repeaters.
All of the repeaters are used for Fort Worth/Tarrant County
A nice
about the 146.94 MHz
Fort Worth repeater and the March 28, 2000
downtown Fort
Worth tornado was featured on the American Radio Relay League's (ARRL) web site.
The 146.94 MHz Fort Worth repeater was located on the top of
the Bank One building
in downtown Fort Worth. In addition, my 224.78 MHz and 443.975 MHz
repeaters were
also at the same location. This is the building that sustained serious damage
during the tornado.
Click here for pictures during and
after the tornado
I own and operate repeaters on 224.78 MHz, 443.975 MHz and 1292.78 MHz.
For some unknown reason, I "enjoy" building and maintaining
amateur repeaters.
Here is a list of repeaters I built, maintain and/or
Founding Director and Officer (Treasurer) of the National Frequency Coordinators
Council, Inc. Washington, DC
Life Member, American Radio Relay League
Member, Royal
Order of the Wouff Hong
Life Member and Past President, Vice President
and Frequency Coordinator, Texas VHF-FM Society, Inc.
Here are various pictures of sites, repeater and tower work recently completed:
Modification of a DB201 ground plane antenna
to 29.56 MHz for the W5DFW RX site
(also including information on modification of a DB201 to 52.525 MHz and
a DB212 folded dipole antenna to both 29.6 MHz and 52.525 MHz)
146.94 MHz repeater antenna replacement project
Northside Fort Worth, TX water tower
Eastside Fort Worth, TX water tower
A tribute to my friend Tim Mitchell
Life Member, Quarter Century Wireless Association,
Inc. (QCWA)
Member and Chief Technical Officer, Dallas-Fort
Worth Remote Base Association (DFW RBA)
Chuck's professional interests:
Senior RF (Radio Frequency) Design Engineer for Nokia Siemens Networks, Irving Texas
United States patent pending for "System and Method for Testing a Feeder Cable and Antenna"
Who's Who in Science and Engineering - 5th
Edition, 1999
Who's Who in Science and Engineering - 6th Edition, 2001
Who's Who in Science and Engineering - 7th Edition, 2003
Who's Who in Science and Engineering - 8th Edition, 2004
Who's Who in Science and Engineering - 9th Edition, 2006
Who's Who in Science and Engineering - 10th Edition, 2007
Who's Who in America - 55th Edition, 2000
Who's Who in America - 56th Edition, 2001
Who's Who in America - 57th Edition, 2002
Who's Who in America - 58th Edition, 2003
Who's Who in America - 63rd Edition, 2008
Who's Who In Finance and Industry - 33rd Edition, 2002
Who's Who In Finance and Business - 34th Edition, 2004
Who's Who In Finance and Business - 35th Edition, 2005
Who's Who In Finance and Business - 36th Edition, 2007
Who's Who in the World - 18th Edition, 2000
Who's Who in the World - 20th Edition, 2002
Who's Who in the World- 21st Edition, 2003
Who's Who in the World - 24th Edition, 2006
Member, The Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, Inc. 2001
Elected to Senior Member,
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 2010
Member, The Radio Club of America, Inc. 1999
Elected to Senior Member, The Radio Club of America, Inc. 2003
Elected to Fellow, The Radio Club of America, Inc.
Chuck's other interests:
Are you interested in sending a message 50,000
years into the future?
Fight Back! Join the Coalition Against
Unsolicited Commercial Email (CAUCE)
Ever-expanding by popular demand:
xan's weird link page
now featuring
weird links!
can you find the bananas?
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This page was last updated on
08 August, 2012 22:39:37 -0500 by webmaster xanaduu
email xanaduu:
Contents copyright 1997 - 2012 by Charles P. Adams, Fort Worth, Texas USA.
All other service marks, trademarks and
images are property of their respective owners.
3D Animated US Flag courtesy of